Dictionary of the Divine


Dictionary of the Divine

In my Dictionary
of the Divine,
which I was given
at birth,

I recently discovered
that the definition
of “Obedience”
has been reduced to
a single

(I must assume
this is an act
of miraculous
since the space
originally given to
last time I looked,
went on for pages.)

Now there
is simply a
parenthetical note
to refer, instead, to

I thumb my way back
and here’s what
I find:

“If you feel
compelled to
know your Maker
by Obedience,
obey this:

“Go forth and
create new ways to

brush strokes in
colors that shock
the palette,
dance moves that
laugh at the
music marinated in
The Mystery,
words that break the
sound barrier.

“You are commanded
to expand
the definition of
until it requires
its own

(Photo by Aaron Burden; UnSplash)

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