Look Into It


Look Into It

When you read that line or
view that image that
stirs the elation that
accompanies whatever
has its origin in
The Mystery,
know that you
are near
an Entrance.

You are welcome there, but
the Guardian, the Muse that
is there to welcome you,
will have a few questions
before you may enter:

“Have you had your
Divine Detachment,
wherein you know
you are not
your unpaid bills,
nor are you
your prior convictions for
habitual sloth and
pettiness in the first degree,
nor are you any of the other
crimes and misdemeanors on
that rap sheet you carry
in your back pocket?”

Hand it over to
the Guardian, who will
give you a fresh and
untouched sheet for
the Mystery Travelogue
you will write or
paint or
photograph to
show the rest of us.

I’ve heard that
it’s possible to live and
do all of your work from
within The Mystery.

Would you be willing to
look into it?

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