


Suppose You wanted to
Spin a Yarn about
Love and Fear,
– Spoiler Alert –
Love Wrestles Fear
to the Ground
with a Move that begins
in an Embrace and
Ends with Fear
Pinned to the Mat,
Surrendering to Love.

Here’s a Yarn:

The Maker of
All That Is
Pours Divine
Love and Light and Laughter
Two Human Skin Suits,
then Plants Them in
The Garden of Paradise.

To Liven the Plot,
The Maker also
Plants two Trees:

One is Life,
with Fruit that
Smacks Their Lips
with Love,
The Other
bears Fruit that
will Sour Their Faces
with the Knowledge of
Something called “Evil.”

And then some slithering,
Lying Snake persuades
Our Divine Twosome
that Knowing Evil
will make Them Wise,
but It only
makes Them Fearful.

And hence
The Wrestle,
Love and Fear.

It’s just a Yarn,
but I submit that
We Light Beings
Love a Good Wrestle.

(Photo by Felipe Simo; UnSplash)

Come Out of The Closet


Come Out of The Closet

I see You
In There,
that Closet
You’ve filled with
Judicial Robes,

One for every
mostly Black, because
Judging Everything is
Such Serious Business.

Keeping Your
Motor Mind
revved up,
Hearing All The Arguments,
Considering all the Evidence,
constantly Preparing Opinions.

It’s Bad Enough
You’re handing Your Judgments
out Everywhere,
the Worst Ones
are The Judgments
You’ve taped to Your
own Forehead,
Blinding Your Eyes
so You’re stumbling around
Banging into
Everything and Everybody.

Have You Forgotten?
You’ve got
Another Closet
filled with Swimsuits and
Party Dresses and
Business Casual and
Motorcycle Jackets and
Hiking Pants and
Tuxedos, with Cufflinks and
Bright Bowties.

The Love that
Birthed You Into
This Playhouse of
a Planet
didn’t Mean for You to
be in Trial from
Birth to Death.

Come Out of the Closet.

(Photo by redcharlie; UnSplash)

Front Man


Front Man

How do You
Imagine Jesus?

(If You do at all.
I understand.
He’s been kidnapped
by some Unsavory Types,
who want to pose Him
as a Judicial Officer.)

Maybe You see Him
surrounded by Kids,
crawling all over Him,
braiding dandelions
into His beard, or

Maybe You see Him
making sure
there’s enough wine
at the Party, or

cracking jokes
with a bunch of
hanging out
in the Park, where
He brings Them lunch
every day, or

Walking on Water,
daring His Followers
to join Him, or

pulling more lunches
out of thin air,
after hugging
The Little Guy who hoped
His Five Pieces of Bread and
Two Fishes would be
enough for five-thousand
Hungry Listeners.

How about this:

Could You see Him
as the Front Man and
Lead Guitarist
for an Indie Rock Band,
bouncing around and
flipping His long hair and
covering “Dreams”
by The Cranberries?

Why not?

(Photo by Joel Muniz; UnSplash)

The Fire of Love


The Fire of Love

I dreamed I was
in The Hereafter,
where it turns out
One can sign up
for Classes to
satisfy One’s Eternal
Thirst for Adventure.

I signed up for
The Fire of Love.

I showed up for
the first session
with My backpack of
Student supplies and
My Diary of Lessons Learned.

There was an Angel
posted at the Door,
Who required
I Surrender
My pack, to be searched.

I was stunned.
Did They Fear Someone
would sneak in a weapon?

“Oh, no,”
The Bright One laughed,
“but We must search
Your Diary.”
I handed It over and
some loose leaf pages
fell to the floor.

The Angel scooped them up.
I had titled them
“A Comprehensive List of
My Wrongdoings.”

“Follow Me,” She said,
and led me outside
to a Group
warming Themselves
at a dancing Fire.

We joined Them
and She
handed Me
My List.

“We call This
the Fire of Love.

“You do the Honor.”

(Photo by Jim Chesek; UnSplash)

Fender Bender


Fender Bender

Let’s say
You’re on
a Road Trip.

A one-hundred proof
Intoxication of
an Adventure,
with stops at
Disneyland and
Mardi Gras in New Orleans and
Broadway in NYC and
the Lincoln Memorial in DC and
the Grand Canyon and …
fill in Your own

But what if
Your Car
broke down in Abilene
and cost you
a day-or-three or
you dinged up a fender
on a snowy day
in Santa Fe?

What will You
a Year or so
from now?

The fender-bender
in November or
Thanksgiving Dinner
at the Cowgirl BBQ?

Would You
Identify with Your Car,
or When You
Wished Upon a Star?

I’ll grant You
It’s not quite
the Same,
but I Wonder if

My Forever Soul,
on this
Roadtrip of a Lifetime,
has to Laugh

at how much
I Furrow My Brow,
Worried about
How Well I’m Driving
This Four-Limbed

(Photo by Markus Spiske; UnSplash)

The Scorekeeper


The Scorekeeper

Do You have
a Scorekeeper?

Every One is Different,
but They Do
The Same Old Thing:

They Record Your
Approval Rating,
one Button for
When Your Little
Old Self
does Something
that stacks up Well
against Whatever
Score You’ve
Programmed The Thing
with as Being
another Button for
when You’re Feeling
Anything But Deserving.

This Morning
My Scorekeeper
was Stuck on
Undeserving –
there was
So Much Evidence –

When I Had
a Knock On My Heart.

My Creator
and a Few of
My Light Being Love Posse
stopped by for
A Chat.

They demanded
I Surrender
My Scorekeeper.

Then They
drew straws,
Howling with Glee,
to See

Who had The Honor of
That Thing
so Far It
landed in
The Garbage Dump,

Where It will
likely be
Recycled into
Safety Pins
for a Child’s

Then We had
A Group Hug.

(Photo by Duy Pham; UnSplash)

Cosmic Co-op


Cosmic Co-op

Do You understand
You are a Member of
a Cosmic
Co-operative of Artists?

Formed when
The Original Artist
Burst into
a Billion Fractals of Light,
Each with a
Singular Assignment:

Help Create Your Place
in The Cosmos
with the
Art Supplies
of Human Form and
Mother Earth Materials.

What The Creator
has in Mind
has been Planted
in Your Soul
from The Beginning,
a Work of Art
to Stun the Stars
Who Watch You Work.

But, You Must
Transcend the Fear

of Failure,
of No Talent,
of Competing with
Other Geniuses
(You Are One),
of Dying before
You Finish.
(No Worries,
You Will Live Forever.)

You have Two Tasks:

Create Your Genius Art
and Help Your Fellow
Painters and Writers,
Singers and Dancers,
Dream Makers and
Crafters of Every
Piece of
The Creator’s Imagination,
to Master Their Fears.

Together You Will Fill
The Louvre of Love.

(Photo By Amy Leigh Bernard; UnSplash)

The Veil


The Veil

It’s as if
Your Soul is a Painting
of astonishing Beauty,
from the Creator’s Brush.

Then Your Soul is
beneath a thin Veneer
of Canvas –
call it The Veil –

and You,
an Artist Your Self,
Offspring of
The Creator,
are handed
Brushes and Palette and Paint
and Your Creator
invites You to
Make Your Soul
a Work of Art,

but Casts a Spell
whereby You forget
What lies Beneath
the Veneer.

Perhaps the First Time
You Make a Mess of It.

Or, You Surrender
Your Brushes
to Others
You deem Better Artists
than You.
Who Make of You
a Portrait
You don’t even

Or You may Create
a Thing of Beauty.

But, after a Time,
You Return
with Your Painting,
to The Creator,
Who carefully
removes the Veneer
and hangs it in
The Gallery of Soulful Art.

Then, if You Wish,
another Veil
is carefully applied
over the Eternal Beauty of
Your Soul,
The One Painted by
The Creator.

And so it goes,
as many times
as You Wish.

But the Time may come,
when The Light
is Right,
that You See
through The Veil,
and Your Joyful Task
becomes to
Use Your Brushes
to Reveal
The Perfect Beauty
that lies
Beneath The Veneer.

(Photo by Frankie Cordoba; UnSplash)




When I was a Child
I was given
a Globe,
small enough to
hold in My hands.

Inside was God.

Outside was Everything Else.

My Task
of a Lifetime
was to get inside
The Globe
with God
leave The World

Except, perhaps,
to convince
a Few Others
to get
God Globes
of Their Own.

We God Globalists
Knew that
All that would
The Coming Catastrophe
must be
In a Globe.
All Else would Perish.

A few years ago
I dropped
My Globe and
It Shattered.

Love spilled

It’s possible
I’m not
too Old
to Learn
How To
Spread It Around.

Oh, Also:

There’s a Globe
I’m just now
There seems to be
No End to It.

As Near as
I can tell,

It Contains

(Photo by Greg Rakozy; UnSplash)

How Would You Feel?


How Would You Feel?

How would You Feel
if You were persuaded
any Reasonable Doubt

The You that is
You –
call it Your Soul –
by Light Years in Space and
Millennia in Time

that cute little
Biped You
sometimes Believe
You’re confined to.

If You knew
the Light that is
Streaming You
is The Same Light
that Birthed
Your Beaming,
It’s All One Light,

and The Light
is measured by
Units of
Love, Joy, Peace and

not so much by
carefully conducted
in the Efficacy of

Would You consider
in the Efficacy of
Asking Your

How Do You

(Photo by Bianca Berndt; UnSplash)