The Keeper of the Button


The Keeper of the Button

Sometimes in the darkness
before you arise
you may feel lost
in a jungle of
unfinished tasks, or
unrequited love, or
a shameful lack of
diligence about
this or that;

to the point that
you wish for
a button
you might push that
whisks you away into

Imagine that
The Keeper of the Button
requires this:
You must first
sit down for
one hour
and inquire of
yourself if there is
one thing
you can say for certain
you were born to do.

When you find something
you will know it
by the way it
stirs a sense of
a touch of the
But you will know it.

Then you will say to
The Keeper of the Button
that you have
changed your mind.

You see a way out
of the Jungle.

(Photo by Ajit Singh,

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