The Awakening


The Awakening

I Like to
Think of It
Like This:

You were Born
An Actor.

You’ve Taken Classes
and Auditioned
and Played
Every Part
Offered to You,

but Never
The Characters
You Dreamed About.
Always a Reason
The Role was
Made for Someone Else.

Even though
You Read
The Best Books,
Paid for
The Best Teachers,
Rehearsed Until
Your Mind was
Spinning and
Your Voice was
Breaking and

You Wondered if
You Needed
Counsel to
Stop the Tears.

Then One Day
A Call Came,
A Voice from
Theater of
The Mystery.

Whispering That
The Role of a Lifetime
Is Waiting
For You
to Finally
Show Up.

It’s Been Yours
Your Birth.

It’s Called
The Awakening.

(Photo by Christian Buehner; UnSplash)

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