Lineaments of Love


Lineaments of Love

A Cadre of Accusers,
in Service to Fear,
Assail You.

Accusing You of
Terminal First Degree
Immoral Slackerdom,
in multiple counts.

The Threat is
You will be Convicted,
Your Identity as a
Exposed for All
to See.

But Wait …

You are a
Light Being,
on an Adventure of
Cloaked In Flesh,
Hiding in
the Assumed Limitations
of Five Senses,
to add Degrees of

But, when Called Upon,
You can Unveil
The Divine Spark that
Lights You Up,

Shine It in Fear’s Eyes,
Beam Your Self
at Your Tormenters
Until They Flee.

Tell Them
They can Return,
In Fact You’ll
Welcome Them.

But only when
They’re Dressed as
Prepared to
Take an Oath to
Follow the Lesson Plan
You Prepared before
Your Birth,

Exchanging Their
Fearsome Costumes
for Lineaments of

(Photo by Prateek Gautam; UnSplash)

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