The Science of Love


The Science of Love

I stare out
the rain-stained
at green fronds
doing a slow dance
with wind
running its
warm fingers
across the soft
cheeks of leaves
still damp from
being licked by
impertinent raindrops
remember that
Mr. Science
taught me that
all these frolicking
flirtatious dancers
are really
trillions of
infinitesimal bits of
not much different
the charged bits
that form my
hungry eyes.

That all these
charged bits
can be measured by
the Speed of Light
multiplied by Itself.

But Wise Ones
invite Us to
remember that
The Light is
made of Love
that is
The Breath of
All That Is
remind Us that

the only Sin is
to imagine there
is Anything not
made of
that Love.

(Photo by boliviainteligente; UnSplash)

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