Wakeup and Daydream


Wakeup and Daydream

When was it
You left the Door
to Your Holy
Inner Sanctum

Where You keep
Your Canvases
and Paint Brushes,
Your Pens and Ink
and Manuscripts,
Your Movie Cameras
and Dancing Shoes,
Your Costumes and

When did the Cadre
of Drill Instructors
march in
with plastic bags
and garbage cans
and scoop and sweep
until all that was left
was a bare floor

just big enough
for a desk and
some filing cabinets and
a To Do List?

Where You once
Danced on Tightropes,
Swung Words on
the Trapeze,
made Movies
of Bare-legged Beauties
on Bareback Horses,
and Painted
Circus Clowns
with too much Lipstick?

Now You mostly do
To Do.

Is it Time to
Wake Up and
show The Drill Sergeants
the Door?

It’s not
Too Late to
Run Away and
join The Circus.

(Photo by Raphael Maksian; UnSplash)

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