Light Being


Light Being

Let’s say
You’re in
The Black Hole.

Your Self-Examination
reveals a Self
so full of Flaws
You’re not sure
You can continue
to hide them,
especially from
Your Self.

It’s shameful,
the way You
wrap Your arms
around Your

refusing to
use those arms to
even those
Who desire
to feel Your arms
around Them,
scars and all,

Other Selves
with wounds
of Their own,
perhaps sitting
next to You,
there in
The Black Hole.

There are days
when You even believe
the best thing
would be to
pitch forward and
fall into The Abyss.

But there’s more
to You than
flaws and scars!

Emerging from
Somewhere near
Your Heart,
awaiting Your summons,

a Being
made of Light,
a shameless grin,
arms wide,

Who swallows You whole,
until You are
the Light Being,

and there is
no Black Hole
that can
hold You.

(Photo by Cristofer Maximilian; UnSplash)

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