Jesus Likes His Coffee Strong
I imagined Jesus
showing up
at my front door,
expecting to join me
for a cup of coffee.
He claims I
invited him over,
but I don’t recall it.
So, I close the novel
I’m reading –
he notes the title and
says, “Yeah,
that’s a good one,” –
and I fill my
second-favorite cup
and set it
in front of him,
the one that says
“Live like it’s all
made out of heaven.”
He grins and says,
“It is, you know,”
and holds up a palm.
We high five.
I apologize for
how strong I’ve
made the coffee,
but he flashes
another grin and says,
“It’s made out of heaven.”
He seems to have
a bit of something
caught in his teeth,
but I can’t bear
to tell him.
We talk politics –
he insists even that
is covered by the
Coffee Cup Rule –
and I am
We cover sports
and the weather
and movies and sex.
If I get agitated he
points to The Cup.
After an hour or so
he takes his leave.
He gives me
a shoulder hug and
calls me “Bro” and
off he goes.
I have a new
favorite Coffee Cup.
(Photo by Jon Tyson; UnSplash)