The Therapeutic Couch
I am moved
to offer you
my unlicensed
therapeutic practice.
You seem
every bit as
anxious as I am,
and this
sometimes works
for me.
The only thing
you’ll need is a
therapeutic couch.
The one you sit on
to binge watch
reruns of Seinfeld or
the Simpsons
will be fine.
Maybe use an
extra cushion
and something
to prop your feet on.
Dim the lights
a little.
Now lean back,
try to stay
Or not.
I’m not charging
by the hour.
a curtain descends,
deep blue,
embroidered with
twinkling lights
in the shape
of a midnight
Leave your body
on the couch
and part the curtains.
As you move
through them,
you are met by
beings who
are made of
who embrace you.
You realize that
before this
your ideas about
have been
woefully inadequate.
They remind you
that your Mission,
as you chose
to accept it,
when you first
came into
your body
from behind
the Curtain,
was to smuggle
large quantities
of that love,
in every available
wherever your fancy
takes you.
Now, back through
the curtain and
finish watching
Homer or Jerry.
I’ve found
this helps me
a little less
(Photo by Kam Idris; UnSplash)